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We now know virtually everything there is to know about FIFA 19, including the release date 28th September.
We haven’t however, seen a whole lot of gameplay from publisher EA.
Luckily, we got some insights when access was given to a select few at EA Play this year.
Better direction
FIFA 19 will give you the ability to give your full-backs specific instructions when going on the attack. This means you can dictate specific runs that suit your style of play and change whether the full-backs overlap the winger or underlap into the center of the pitch.
Better marking
When defending, a second marker will appear above the player you will switch to when LB/L1 is pressed.
FIFA 19 Standard and Champions Editions are available to pre-order from GAME and AmazonLocate your enemy
The mini-map has had a small yet brilliant change made. Your opponent’s players will now be marked with triangles instead of the traditional circles in order to avoid confusion when in a tense game.
Defending your title
Perhaps one of the best features that will really test your abilities, is the addition of game plans into FIFA 19. You can now plan alternate tactics and team settings prior to a match for when you are 1-0 down and wanting to make a push or 2-0 up and looking to secure the win. The different tactics can be switched between on your controller’s d-pad, so you are always prepared.
Defending the goal
Similarly, you will have greater control over how your defence attempts to reclaim the ball. With “pressure after possession loss,” “constant pressure,” “drop back,” “balanced,” and “pressure on heavy touch” all being defensive options.
Perfect your shot
Timed Finishing will be sure to frustrate some of the more casual players. As instead of allowing players to take a shot the normal way, they will have the option to hit the Circle/B button again to hit the perfect shot into the back of the net.
Just passing through
Passing has had some major improvements, with the feel of the ball between players feeling a lot more natural, especially in regards to through-balls.
Touch touch pass
Along with the passing, a new active touch system has been introduced that makes the game much more fluid, realistic and authentic.
50/50 battles
No EA Sports isn’t introducing battle royale into FIFA, instead, your player’s instincts and how you have played within that game will be used to determine how good you will be when it comes to taking balls off your opponent.
FIFA 19 Standard and Champions Editions are available to pre-order from GAME and AmazonIt’s great to see that FIFA 19 have listened to the fans in changing gameplay mechanics and allowing for more control over your team.
What else would you like to see from FIFA 19?
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